Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cardiology checkup at Duke

Katie had yet another one of what has become a regular appointment at Duke. Today was for her to be checked out by her cardiologist. All went well! There is some concern, albeit small, about some conditions dealing with her heart. Like many CDH babies, Katie has some associated defects, but her prognosis is VERY good! She has a few abnormalities that will need following for a while, but no other interventions have been planned.
At present she weighs a whopping 11 pounds and 12 ounces! She is still just a bit under the 50 percentile margin, but this is a huge jump from the 10-25 percentile range that we have become accustomed to. Beth is very excited that she has finally outgrown newborn clothes and diapers! She cried every size change with Michael, but this growth spurt has brought tears of joy to us both!
She has gained enough strength now to hold her head up quite well! She has also begun rolling over and over! She will be on the other side of the room in mere minutes!
Katie has fallen right into the footsteps of her big brother Michael, and has turned into a wonderful sleeper! It is not uncommon for her to sleep from 10:30 or 11:00 at night until after 10:00 the following morning.
While life with a CDH survivor and all of the associated medications, doctors visits, reflux, and tons of precautions is not your everyday "normal" it has quickly become our normal, and our lives have fallen into a well oiled rhythm.
Michael adores his little sister and has become quite possessive and protective of his Katie. He is such a good helper and big brother!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear is growing and moving about so quickly. Love the smile on her face as Michael is holding her. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
